As a result of the Coalition Agreement and the Climate Agreement, a subsidy scheme will enter into force on 1 July 2020, making the electric car accessible to a wider group. The subsidy scheme applies to electric cars in the smaller or compact middle class, purchased or leased by private individuals on or after 4 June 2020. Subject to conditions, a subsidy of € 4,000 for a new car and € 2,000 for a used car will be granted.
For new passenger cars, the subsidy will be reduced annually from 2022 onwards. The subsidy scheme runs from 1 July 2020 to 1 July 2025 for new passenger cars and until 1 July 2024 for used passenger cars and as long as the annual budget earmarked for this purpose is not exhausted.
Some important points of the subsidy scheme:
- The passenger car is a 100% electric car with a range of at least 120 kilometres;
- The price of the passenger car is between € 12,000 and € 45,000;
- The passenger car (registration number with RDW) and the purchase or lease agreement are in the name of the private individual applying for and receiving the subsidy;
- In the event of purchase, the recipient of the subsidy is obliged to ensure that the passenger car is registered in his/her name without interruption for a period of three years from the date of registration;
- In the event of a lease, the recipient of the subsidy is obliged to ensure that the passenger car is registered in its name without interruption for a period of four years from the date of registration;
- For the purchase of the used passenger car, a written purchase agreement has been concluded with a car company which has a RDW approved company stock;
- For the lease of the passenger car, a written lease agreement has been concluded with a leasing company which carries the quality label “Private Lease”;
- The subsidy application has been submitted within 60 days of signing the purchase or lease agreement.
In addition to the above-mentioned points, additional conditions apply to qualify for the subsidy.
In order to obtain certainty, the purchase or lease agreement could include the resolutive condition that the purchase or lease is waived if no subsidy is granted.
The subsidy application can be made via the website of the Rijksdienst voor Ondernemend Nederland (RVO). Please feel free to contact us, if you like to receive more information.